NEW Deluxe CAR v3.0 System

This is our New Deluxe version of the recently updated compressed air rocket launcher, available to order on our Shopify Website here.


The Deluxe Version Features:

Special thanks to The Perloff Family Foundation, for whom we developed this set initially.  We started working with Dave and Sandy Perloff back in 2023.  To learn more about the Perloff Family Foundation, and the amazing work they have been doing for the students of Maine, visit their website here:

To see how the teachers of Maine are using the launchers and 3D printed rockets, check out this fantastic slide show:

NEW CAR v3.0

The newest version of our heavy duty compressed air rocket launcher is now available to order on our Shopify Website here.

It features:

Q: What is an Air Rocket?

A: An air rocket is simply a rocket launched using air pressure.

The simplest type is when you blow the wrapper off a straw.

Q: How does the Air Rocket work?

How the Compressed Air Rocket launcher V3.0 uses compressed air to lauch your rockets:


Animation by  Thanks Nick!

Q: What can Air Rockets be                   made from?

A: All kinds of things!

Q: Who uses our Compressed Air Rocket launchers?


NASA contacted us to build a high end version of our compressed air rocket launchers in 2016/2017 for use with their Educational Outreach Program.  We couldn't possibly say no, so we worked with one of the top engineers at NASA Kennedy Space Center to create a electrically controlled launch control panel made from an aluminum case from the Space Shuttle program.

Check out our Templates page for free to download and print paper rocket templates of the four rockets launched from KSC, three from ULA and the Falcon 9 from SpaceX.


ULA saw the system that NASA was using with their educational outreach program and ordered a few for their own use at their three main locations in Colorado, Alabama and Texas.

ULA was also kind enough to share the rocket templates their graphic artists created, which can be found on our Templates page. 


Numerous teachers, STEM educators, summer camps all around the world are using our products to teach kids about rocketry and physics.

Pictured above is one of our launchers that was modified by our friends at Explo.  We have also worked with Texas A&M summer camps, BetaBox Labs, STEAM & Co. in the UK, YMCA (Australia), MinuteMan Missile program (who used a grant to donate them to 40 teachers across the US), the Boston Museum of Science, etc.

Anyone Else

We have sold thousands of our launchers to individuals over the years.

We have received wonderful stories about how they have been used for birthday parties (where the adults join in), they have been used with boy scout troops, girl scout troops, family gatherings, etc.